This section will be developed more, but the obvious benefit, noted by many, is improved posture and muscle tone. If you're back hurts from too much sitting, or you are worried about that happening, if you are restless sitting, the stand up desk is perfect. It takes up little room, is entirely computer functional with a laptop, and offers multiple postures, ie., leaning, sitting on stool, standing, standing with one foot up, walking from side to side. Some use it as an only desk, but a balanced combo is some sitting and some standing and moving around.
The desk should be custom made but general dimensions are 50" high, 22" deep, 48" wide. The front edge of the desk should come up to your bent elbow, and the tilt of the table is about 10 degrees.
Some famous users include Hemingway, Nabakov, James Murray(editor of the first OED), and Winston Churchill. Donald Rumsfeld also used one, but his place in history is yet to be determined.
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